Month: September 2019

Podiatrist can now purchase ESWT machines for less than $1,500

As a Podiatrist you have probably seen the guy down the street charging $400 cash per treatment for ESWT treatments and thought damn, how does he afford that machine. Also you are probably asking where can a Podiatrist purchase an ESWT machine? Well the answer is simple. The machines just are not that expensive and …

Podiatrist can now purchase ESWT machines for less than $1,500 Read More »

A book to help Podiatrists to help with Medicare reimbursement

As a Podiatrist or a leader of a Podiatry practice you spend your time and money with Medicare. Medicare is by far the most common insurance Podiatrists deal with. Maybe 50% of all Podiatric reimbursement comes from Medicare. Yet so few Podiatrists and Podiatry practices are extracting maximum value from Medicare. There are few books …

A book to help Podiatrists to help with Medicare reimbursement Read More »