Month: June 2019

Where does a Podiatrist find an Ultrasound machine for their office?

Ultrasound machines for visualization and guiding injections can be a strong revenue enhancer for any Podiatric office.  There are some Podiatrists under the mistaken impression that quality ultrasound machines can only be found at medical conferences or from medical companies.  Nothing can be further from the truth. It is easy to locate ultrasound machines that …

Where does a Podiatrist find an Ultrasound machine for their office? Read More »

How to Bill and Code an ultrasound injection or Arthrocentesis of the Ankle

There are many reasons to perform an ultrasound guided injection of the ankle as a Podiatrist.  Also, there are many reasons to use an ultrasound machine to perform said procedure.   Now the first key to billing the injection of the ankle is billing the correct CPT code for the ultrasound guidance for the procedure. …

How to Bill and Code an ultrasound injection or Arthrocentesis of the Ankle Read More »

How to bill for an ultrasound guided injection of a ganglionic cyst

Now there are two procedures that can be used for injections of ganglionic cysts. You can drain them or you can inject them with corticosteroids. Both are acceptable treatments and both injections are coded and billed similarly. Whether the doctor is injecting or aspirating the ganglionic cyst the billing of the ultrasound musculoskeletal examination is …

How to bill for an ultrasound guided injection of a ganglionic cyst Read More »

Amazon is now selling Podiatry Chairs for less than $3,000

It is pretty insane that Amazon has taken the plunge into the Podiatry Chair market but here we are.  It appears Amazon is selling some fairly nice Podiatry chairs as well. Here is a four motor Podiatry Chair with leg lift and they are only asking $1,500: <iframe style=”width:120px;height:240px;” marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ src=”//”>    </iframe>…