How do you code for Stress X Rays for the ankle?
It’s very simple actually. You bill 77071: Manual application stress performed by physician and 73620: For X ray of the ankle
It’s very simple actually. You bill 77071: Manual application stress performed by physician and 73620: For X ray of the ankle
Listen, your Podiatry practice is struggling and you are running out of options. What can you do to turn it around? Most likely there is no silver bullet. There is no article or lecture that will turn it around. If you are struggling you probably have some basic misunderstandings of how to run a practice. …
Looking to turn around your Podiatry Practice? Here are some options. Read More »
One of the worst things that can happen to a Podiatrist is to find out they are being audited by Medicare. What do you do? In most cases it might just be a misunderstanding; for some reason you have been flagged. Listen, you can pore over the internet for web pages and lectures and all …
Book to help Podiatrists undergoing a medicare audit Read More »
A lot of times people are worried about codes that can trigger Podiatric audits and what codes are the highest risk. Here are some of the most audited Podiatric codes: 11720 and 11721 EM Codes all codes with -25 modifiers 11060 or 11061 11050 series corns and calluses All Orthotic codes ALL OF THEM 59 …
High Risk Podiatry Codes that can trigger audits Read More »
When you are billing for a graft jack application for diabetic ulcer by a Podiatrist you want to bill 15721-15728 codes. Now, you should only bill for the graft jacket application. Some people will try to bill an ulcer debridement at 1044. Now you cannot do that in concurrence with the graft jacket application, so …
Billing Graft Jacket Application for Diabetic Ulcer Read More »